GDPR Data Policy

Beautiful Greys will only use your details for the following:

* Sending invoices
* Accepting payment
* Updating shipment details
* Shipping your order via Royal Mail
* Shipping your order via courier

Your details will NOT be used for the following:

* Marketing
* Advertising
* Any contact other than to discuss your order
* Passed on to third parties

Pictures provided:

All pictures provided by you (the customer) will only be used for advertising if permission has been given. Advertising will take place on the following platforms:

* Beautiful Greys Website
* Beautiful Greys Facebook Page 
* Facebook Groups
* Instagram

By giving your permission you are allowing us to use the photo you have provided to advertise on the above platforms. If you do not wish for this to happen please decline this option when asked. If you are providing a picture of a child/minor and do not wish for their face to be shown please block this out prior to sending us the photo.

All details will be stored on file for six years as per HMRC six year tax receipts rule. Your details will be kept securely on an external hard drive which can only be accessed by password. The details held are as follows:

* Name
* PayPal e-mail address
* Postal address

Third party privacy details:

For payment privacy details please follow this link:

For Facebook privacy details please follow this link:

If you have any queries with regards to how your data is stored and used, please don’t hesitate to contact me.